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User Agreement And Terms Of Service


Welcome to GreenUps! When we mention “GreenUps,” “we,” or “us,” we’re talking about our company, which offers a variety of content and interactive online services through our websites at greenups.net (the “Site” or “Sites”). These services are accessible via the internet and mobile devices. For the purposes of this Agreement, GreenUps includes our affiliates, subsidiaries, and sub-licensees, and “Sites” refers to any websites we implement now or in the future.

Our platform features public areas open to everyone, and special areas for authors and other content uploaders. Anyone who accesses the Sites is referred to as a “User.”

Types of Content

In this Agreement, “Content” encompasses all text, data, graphics, images, scripts, photos, video files, audio files, and metadata available on the Sites. Content is categorized into three types:

  1. User Content: This includes all content uploaded by you and other users, intended to be visible to others. While we do not guarantee the display of User Content, it includes comments.
  2. GreenUps Content: This is the content we upload to the Sites.
  3. Third-Party Content: Content created by third parties and uploaded by us or with our consent.

We reserve the right to remove any content from the Sites without notice.

User Content

User Content is divided into three categories: Creator Pages, User Uploads, and User Comments.

General Rules for All User Content

GreenUps does not pre-screen, edit, or fact-check User Content. Displaying User Content does not mean we assume liability for it. We reserve the right to display, refuse, or modify any User Content submitted.

By submitting User Content to GreenUps, you grant us a worldwide, perpetual, sub-licensable, transferable license to use, display, distribute, publicly perform, modify, and reproduce your content in any manner and by any means, whether now known or hereafter devised.

You represent and warrant that you own the copyrights to the content you submit, that it is original, and has not been published elsewhere. You also ensure that no third-party rights are violated by your submission.

By submitting User Content, you agree to indemnify and hold GreenUps harmless from any claims, costs, losses, damages, and expenses arising from third-party claims related to your content.

We reserve the right to remove any User Content at any time, for any reason. Our guidelines for User Content include avoiding profanities, staying on topic, respecting others, avoiding spam and commercial ads, and treating threats seriously.

Creator Pages

Authors can create “Creator Pages,” similar to personal websites, using our templates. Authors can upload their works and share information about themselves. By uploading content to Creator Pages, authors grant us a worldwide, perpetual, sub-licensable, transferable license to use, display, distribute, publicly perform, and reproduce their content. However, we do not have the right to modify this content, although we may refuse to display it. The look and feel of Creator Pages are owned by us, except for customizations and works uploaded by authors.

User Uploads

Users can upload their creative works to other sections of our Site. By doing so, they grant us the same rights as for Creator Pages. While we can refuse to display the content, we do not have the right to modify it.

Users can also submit ideas and questions that are not visible to others. These ideas and suggestions become the property of GreenUps, and you assign all related rights to us.

Ownership and Use of Non-User Content

Except for User Content, GreenUps and its licensors own all rights to the Sites, Content, Services, organization, look and feel of the Sites, advertisements, trademarks, service marks, logos, code, and metadata (collectively “the IP”). You may access and use the IP for personal use only. This access does not convey any ownership rights and is strictly a license.

You cannot transfer, sublicense, or modify the IP. You may not remove, alter, or conceal any proprietary rights notices. You agree not to exploit the Sites or Content in any unauthorized manner.

Third-Party Links and Links to GreenUps Sites

We may provide links to external websites (“External Websites”) over which we have no control. These links do not imply endorsement by GreenUps, and we are not responsible for the content or dealings with such External Websites. Your use of External Websites is subject to their terms and privacy policies.

Other websites may link to our Sites, but must not create an impression of affiliation or endorsement by GreenUps. Do not frame our content or present it as your own.

Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Remedies

GreenUps provides the Sites, Services, and Content on an “as is” basis, without warranties of any kind. We do not guarantee the quality, accuracy, or completeness of any information on the Sites. Your use of the Sites is at your own risk, and we are not liable for any damages arising from your use.

Our maximum liability to you is limited to fifty dollars ($50.00). Some jurisdictions do not allow certain warranty exclusions or liability limitations, so these may not apply to you.

Rules for Using the Sites

Use the Sites only for lawful purposes. Do not:

  • Violate security measures
  • Access content not intended for you
  • Forge header information
  • Use the Sites to send deceptive information
  • Reverse engineer or tamper with the Sites
  • Probe or test system vulnerabilities
  • Impersonate others or commit fraud

We may terminate your access to the Sites for any inappropriate or disruptive behavior.

Modification or Termination

GreenUps reserves the right to modify or terminate the Sites, Services, and Content at any time. Upon termination, any information you submitted may no longer be accessible, and we have no obligation to maintain or forward it to you or any third party.

Third-Party IP Rights

We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe your work has been infringed on our Sites, contact our copyright agent with the necessary information.


These Terms of Service are governed by New York law. Any disputes must be brought in the courts of New York County, New York. If any part of these Terms is held invalid, the remaining parts will remain in effect. Our failure to enforce any right does not constitute a waiver of that right.

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and GreenUps. You cannot assign your rights under this Agreement, and no third party is a beneficiary of it.

GreenUps reserves the right to change the Services or their availability at any time. This Agreement is personal to you, and your rights or obligations under it cannot be assigned to anyone else.

Hello there!

GreenUps is all about empowering you with simple, relatable advice on everything from style to self-care. Think of us as your trusted companion on this journey. Let’s bloom together!